"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

- Neale Donald Walsch


It isn't always comfortable
to think about change.

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Yet, the edge of your comfort zone is actually a treasure map to the patterns in your life that are ready to give way. The patterns that no longer serve. Once those patterns are cleared, new growth has energy to flow, and room to thrive.
And you have space to fly.

Are you ready to begin?
I'm ready to work with you.


Change and growth go hand and hand. To make room for new growth, something has to change or give way or be revealed.


If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?



Experience Ancient Practices

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Experience ancient practices designed to help shift your energy and support positive change in your life.

Remote Shamanic Healings

Receive healing energy through traditional Shamanic methods.

Astrology and Kabbalah Birth Planet Readings

Learn about and apply personal planetary influences for ease and fulfillment.

Feng Shui Remedies

Apply a hands-on method to remove, rearrange and refresh energy for healthy change.


Even the seed disturbs the soil as it pushes through the ground to reach for the light.

- Paraphrased from the words of Paul Selig in the Selig Guides


What are you ready
to make room for?

To let go of? To bring in?
To lighten up?